The detail in this wedding was truly rich. This couple had the perfect mix of tradition and style. The result was a feast for your heart and soul. More to come of course…
This winter wedding pair is super special. They are high school sweet hearts! They will wed in December in downtown Ann Arbor while they are on break from school. Uber sweet as honey and so much love! SaveSave
Who says living apart and planning a wedding can’t be done!? I am sure it is difficult, but this sweet couple is doing just that! They are living states away, and they spend one of their evenings with me to photograph these sweet images as the sunset beautifully for us. May will come so soon…
So sweet! Looking forward to seeing the wedding photos! I ❤️ Seeing loving couple photos.
Awesome job Molly!!! Your the best! Cute couple, looking forward to wedding pics!!!
Thanks Andrea! You are too kind! They have a Dec wedding! Hoping for some SNOW!!!