My Breastfeeding Journey in Short :: Capturing Fleeting Moments in Motherhood || Infant Photographer

Breastfeeding to me is the norm. I was breastfed and I am breastfeeding my littles. It wasn’t ever a question for me. I just knew I was going to do it. When I first began I wondered if my son was actually getting anything but he was gaining weight and diapers needed changing so I knew we were good. We had latch issues and he wanted to sleep all the time instead of nurse, but I found ways to keep him awake and latched. Mastitis wasn’t fun, but we survived. It isn’t easy. Now with my second son I never saw a lactation consultant. I just nursed. He wanted to nurse from the moment he hit my chest. It was different and easier. He isn’t easier all around but nursing for the first six months was easy. He is crazy now at ten months and has been a wild man. Here he is less than a day old. We had that nursing thing down.

Breastfeeding day old

Which brings me to my fresh milk mini sessions. I KNOW breastfeeding doesn’t work for everyone. I know it might not be possible for some. I don’t judge anyone for this personal choice. I am simply wanting to document this time (nursing or bottle-feeding) for moms because I know how short the time is when they are this small and can be nurtured like this. Breastfeeding has been my journey and I know it all too well. Whatever way you choose to feed your infant in this beautiful, short time, cherish every moment. I see this image of my little and can hardly believe that was him. He is all go and no stop. Those snuggle moments are few and far between right now. For my first son, I miss the precious time we had that is now very much consumed by the new baby. I’m so very blessed to have these two sweet boys. I want to soak up every minute. I want to document everything I can so that in these busy years I don’t forget just how tiny they once were.

My nursing wiggle worm at ten months. Our hands are full but so are our hearts.

Breastfeeding Images by Ester Cobe Photography

Supporting women in breastfeeding is a passion of mine. If you know a deserving mom with an inspirational story who would love images breastfeeding please let me know. I know its a tough journey for a lot of moms. High five and nurse on mama.