Appreciating Everyday Pictures | Self Soothing Baby | Portrait Photographers

He was playing one minute… and sleeping the next. Today… a day later I felt it was so precious and I HAD to share.
I often second guess myself on my everyday photos of my own child. (of course I think Mary is amazing, and I could never be as artistic as she) On top of that I always think my house isn’t picturesque – but whatever – Thankful to have a house. I took these and at first look I wasn’t sure they were “good enough”. Such a silly mess I am sometimes. Truth is, an everyday photo of your own child is precious… regardless of the composition, white balance, aperture, etc (including messy house). Clarity is a must… but the rest… BLAH! Maybe you don’t suffer from this “it MUST be perfect – or its not as good as so and sos pictures” ailment like I… but if you are like me – I wanted to let you know you aren’t alone! I am my own WORST critic of everything about me. I love the photos I take for my clients, but my everyday photos… are blah. When I look at photos of myself I look old, I look tired… I look wrinkled! Then I look at these photos a week later and think… wow that photo is awesome – and I look so young. (chuckle) Everyday, unplanned photos of my child from a week ago can bring tears to my eyes. So happy I take them despite my insecurities.

We have heard so many clients say their only photos of their child are on their iPhone. At least they have a photo to remember those moments. When it is a photo of your child it is perfection!

1 comment
  • ShyrlJanuary 11, 2014 - 11:27 pm

    Wow, you hit the nail on the head! And, yes, looking back, we see the beauty. I am glad that my kids were babies before iPhones, because I have MORE pictures of them. Funny how having something so readily available makes us not take as many great pics of the moments we will remember forever! You take amazing pictures and capture beautiful moments.ReplyCancel