Three Month Old Baby Boy Bonds | Michigan Baby Photographers

Multitasking and time management are skills this mommy could definitely get better at. I’m one of those stop and smell the roses types… so I talk, smile, cuddle and take pictures of this sweet boy whenever I can! Our little Leighton is such a joy and a blessing {Sigh & Swoon}. He has provided a huge change in our lives in more ways than I could have imagined but all well worth every moment spent looking into his eyes and watching him grow. This month he grew a TON and has so many new skills! He smiles at familiar faces and even talks to us when he gets excited. He holds my arms and rests his sweet head on my shoulder… ahhh… LOVE! I truly didn’t know how much my parents loved me until I met him. I feel so loved. I’m wrapped around those chunky little fingers and quite content!

  • MollyAugust 25, 2013 - 10:42 am

    Love them ALL!ReplyCancel

    • EsterCobeAugust 25, 2013 - 10:46 am

      Thanks Molly 🙂 I have so many blog posts to catch up on and WHO do I start with? HA – of course my little boy HAD to come first! I just love him to pieces!ReplyCancel