Monday hikes together at Nature’s House.
If you have followed me for any length of time, you know I take my kids hiking on Mondays. It is our time to relax, tune into nature and each other. Of course I do bring a camera with me… Its just a thing I do.
I have gone from carrying two kiddos (one in a carrier on my back and one in a carrier in front) to two wild boys playing in the forest along the trail. Our time in nature certainly has evolved, and has been a source of learning experiences throughout the seasons.
One hike we found a snake eating a frog and in general there are many snakes, but glad for not as many spiders. In the spring we find flowers to learn about and then of course the snakes… we look up those snakes too. We know what trees line the walk, and what the names of the trees are by leaf… we see swans and an occasional deer.
I used to have to bring games and scavenger hunts, but now they get it. Nature is an amazing place to just be and play within. No batteries or electricity or even parental help needed.
I have an engagement session occasionally here on this trail, but weekly we come and just enjoy the forest. This peace filled forest near by home.
Book your family hike session here!