Displaying motion in your photography can be accomplished in a few ways. My typical way is firing a fast shutter speed and capturing feet off the ground, which is amazing. Another way to show motion is to catch blur ini the image with a slower shutter speed. Neither is wrong, but both look completely different.
Fast Shutter Speed
Move your shutter speed up to at least 400 so that your camera can catch all of the wild moves crisply.
Catching Blur
To catch movement with a blurred subject you will need to slow your shutter speed down. I like to move to 1/60th for people but I play around with lower speeds too. If you are hoping to catch a moving vehicle it really does depend on their speed, but start with 1/125th and work your way down. For light sources 1/10 or longer. Running water is longer yet at 1/6 too 25 seconds. Remember back to the “water” #EsterCobe52?
Here are the #EsterCobe52 weeks that are behind us <3 Use the links to learn or catch up!
- EsterCobe52 Week 45 // Self Portrait
- EsterCobe52 Week 44 // Spring
- EsterCobe52 Week 43 // Equinox
- EsterCobe52 Week 42 // Daylight
- EsterCobe52 Week 41 // Outdoors
- EsterCobe52 Week 40 // Works of Art
- EsterCobe52 Week 39 // Field Trip
- EsterCobe52 Week 38 // Sweet
- EsterCobe52 Week 37 // Birthdays
- EsterCobe52 Week 36 // Winter
- EsterCobe52 Week 35 // Sleep
- EsterCobe52 Week 34 // Motion
- EsterCobe52 Week 33 // Vacation
- EsterCobe52 Week 32 // Intentions
- EsterCobe52 week 31 // Celebrations
- EsterCobe52 week 30 // Gifts
- EsterCobe52 Week 29 // Tradition
- EsterCobe52 Week 28 // Low Light
- EsterCobe52 Week 27 // Fleeting Moments
- EsterCobe52 Week 26 // Grateful
- EsterCobe52 Week 25 // Family
- EsterCobe52 Week 24 // The Every Day
- EsterCobe52 Week 23 // Focus
- EsterCobe52 Week 22 // Costumed
- EsterCobe52 Week 21 // Shadows
- EsterCobe52 Week 20 // Change
- EsterCobe52 Week 19 // Details
- EsterCobe52 Week 19 // Perspective
- EsterCobe52 week 18 // Autumn
- EsterCobe52 Week 17 // Finding the Light
- EsterCobe52 Week 16 // Out and About
- EsterCobe52 Week 15 // Composition
- EsterCobe52 Week 14 // Home :: Capturing Life
- EsterCobe52 Week 13 // Macro Photography
- EsterCobe52 Week 12 // Back to School
- EsterCobe52 Week 11 // Connection
- EsterCobe52 Week 10 // Portraits
- EsterCobe52 Week 9 // Exposure Triangle
- EsterCobe52 Week 8 // Documenting Love
- EsterCobe52 Week 7 // Framing
- EsterCobe52 Week 6 // Document your days
- EsterCobe52 Week 5 // Fourth of July!
- EsterCobe52 Week 4 // Negative Space in Photography Tips and tricks
- EsterCobe52 Week 3 // Ideas, Tips and Tricks on Documenting Water
- EsterCobe52 Week 2 // Documenting Dad :: Tips and Tricks on how to capture dad with the kids by Molly B of Ester Cobe Photography
- EsterCobe 52 Week 1 :: Phoneography Tips & Tricks with Molly B of Ester Cobe Photography // The Photojournalistic Black + White Photograph