When I think on this week of President’s day, I think of those timeless images of the presidents and their families. This week I encourage you to dive deep into the images of your past and identify those images that shine about others. I am thinking of the family portraits that make you tear up just a little. Those are the portraits I always hope to capture for my clients. Let’s talk a bit more about what makes them grab your eye and tug at your heart strings.
An heirloom image is timeless. It is an image that captures a moment in time that is memorable. Birthdays, Christmas, a super special item or loved one is typically the reason for the image that reminds you of its importance. Typically images that are heirloom aren’t first thought of as such. I typically need a few months away from an image to really appreciate it. Of course, knowing all of the elements of a WONDERFUL photograph are key in your brain recognizing the image as a treasure as well. This week I would review what you know and what you have learned from this year so far to capture your image.
Choosing a Subject and Location.
I would begin with something super special. If you do not have an anniversary, birthday or holiday this week to document, go with a special person. Grab your mom/dad or your children and snap a photograph of them in their element/habitat. For instance, run down to your children’s bedroom (when the lighting is nice) and have them strike a pose. Does it matter if the room is clean? To me, no. Everyone is different on this, but go with what is right for you. I know my children have a messy room MOST of the time. Documenting them looking like the wild animals they are in a messy room works for us. My kiddos are outdoors a TON. Photographing them while outdoors is just typical for us. It is basically how their childhood has been captured and so usually, when we are in a good light and nicely framed area, I ask them to smile.
If I was choosing a grandparent, and if your’s are still living PLEASE go photograph them, I would choose to document them in their setting. Time does fly by, and documenting your people in their element is key in creating heirloom images. These are images that will bring memories flooding back of how life was a a particular time in your life. My babies are nine and seven now, and every wild image I have when they were little is a treasure to me. You do not realize it in the moment, but wait a year… those images will become the same, a treasure. Take the photograph.
- EsterCobe52 Week 45 // Self Portrait
- EsterCobe52 Week 44 // Spring
- EsterCobe52 Week 43 // Equinox
- EsterCobe52 Week 42 // Daylight
- EsterCobe52 Week 41 // Outdoors
- EsterCobe52 Week 40 // Works of Art
- EsterCobe52 Week 39 // Field Trip
- EsterCobe52 Week 38 // Sweet
- EsterCobe52 Week 37 // Birthdays
- EsterCobe52 Week 36 // Winter
- EsterCobe52 Week 35 // Sleep
- EsterCobe52 Week 34 // Motion
- EsterCobe52 Week 33 // Vacation
- EsterCobe52 Week 32 // Intentions
- EsterCobe52 week 31 // Celebrations
- EsterCobe52 week 30 // Gifts
- EsterCobe52 Week 29 // Tradition
- EsterCobe52 Week 28 // Low Light
- EsterCobe52 Week 27 // Fleeting Moments
- EsterCobe52 Week 26 // Grateful
- EsterCobe52 Week 25 // Family
- EsterCobe52 Week 24 // The Every Day
- EsterCobe52 Week 23 // Focus
- EsterCobe52 Week 22 // Costumed
- EsterCobe52 Week 21 // Shadows
- EsterCobe52 Week 20 // Change
- EsterCobe52 Week 19 // Details
- EsterCobe52 Week 19 // Perspective
- EsterCobe52 week 18 // Autumn
- EsterCobe52 Week 17 // Finding the Light
- EsterCobe52 Week 16 // Out and About
- EsterCobe52 Week 15 // Composition
- EsterCobe52 Week 14 // Home :: Capturing Life
- EsterCobe52 Week 13 // Macro Photography
- EsterCobe52 Week 12 // Back to School
- EsterCobe52 Week 11 // Connection
- EsterCobe52 Week 10 // Portraits
- EsterCobe52 Week 9 // Exposure Triangle
- EsterCobe52 Week 8 // Documenting Love
- EsterCobe52 Week 7 // Framing
- EsterCobe52 Week 6 // Document your days
- EsterCobe52 Week 5 // Fourth of July!
- EsterCobe52 Week 4 // Negative Space in Photography Tips and tricks
- EsterCobe52 Week 3 // Ideas, Tips and Tricks on Documenting Water
- EsterCobe52 Week 2 // Documenting Dad :: Tips and Tricks on how to capture dad with the kids by Molly B of Ester Cobe Photography
- EsterCobe 52 Week 1 :: Phoneography Tips & Tricks with Molly B of Ester Cobe Photography // The Photojournalistic Black + White Photograph