This is ALWAYS a tough one for me. I have never been a fan of photographs taken of myself. It usually takes me a bit to to warm up to my portrait. Because of this, you wont see many photographs of me posted online. I really struggle with that. However, years later I will really like what I looked like in any photograph. Its something that I work on weekly. Currently, I take a portrait of myself each week and work on liking it enough to share.
After I had my kids I gained an extra 10 pounds and regardless of what I do it stays with me. Then too, I started getting acne in my late thirties. Yes, I know I am beautiful, and I know I am a fierce woman who birthed and nursed babies. I am super duper sensitive too and struggle to talk about it. To expose this truth is huge, and hopefully a step in the right direction. I doubt most would realize this about me too. Its doesn’t seem like the Molly they know. So here it is… its not that I don’t love to show up and be me, I just don’t love looking at photographs of myself.
The positive spin is it makes me incredibly sensitive to how my clients are feeling during photographs. I get it and I try my best to share all of the tips and tricks to make your photos amazing <3
I took the below photos. Each a bit different. The first is a moody one to show emotion, the second is a fun one with reflection and the last demonstrates my in studio look <3 Love the diversity <3
Tips on how to do a self portrait
- Use a camera that allows you to see your own face. This way you can be sure of how you look while taking the shot
- Turn the grid on your camera screen to make sure you are centered or have good composition
- A tripod will be your best friend. It never tires of your 100 test shots and wont huff when you move it all over too get the best position.
- Use a self timer in your hand or set the timer on your camera to shoot after 10 seconds.
- TAKE A LOT of pictures and pick your favorite!
- EsterCobe52 Week 45 // Self Portrait
- EsterCobe52 Week 44 // Spring
- EsterCobe52 Week 43 // Equinox
- EsterCobe52 Week 42 // Daylight
- EsterCobe52 Week 41 // Outdoors
- EsterCobe52 Week 40 // Works of Art
- EsterCobe52 Week 39 // Field Trip
- EsterCobe52 Week 38 // Sweet
- EsterCobe52 Week 37 // Birthdays
- EsterCobe52 Week 36 // Winter
- EsterCobe52 Week 35 // Sleep
- EsterCobe52 Week 34 // Motion
- EsterCobe52 Week 33 // Vacation
- EsterCobe52 Week 32 // Intentions
- EsterCobe52 week 31 // Celebrations
- EsterCobe52 week 30 // Gifts
- EsterCobe52 Week 29 // Tradition
- EsterCobe52 Week 28 // Low Light
- EsterCobe52 Week 27 // Fleeting Moments
- EsterCobe52 Week 26 // Grateful
- EsterCobe52 Week 25 // Family
- EsterCobe52 Week 24 // The Every Day
- EsterCobe52 Week 23 // Focus
- EsterCobe52 Week 22 // Costumed
- EsterCobe52 Week 21 // Shadows
- EsterCobe52 Week 20 // Change
- EsterCobe52 Week 19 // Details
- EsterCobe52 Week 19 // Perspective
- EsterCobe52 week 18 // Autumn
- EsterCobe52 Week 17 // Finding the Light
- EsterCobe52 Week 16 // Out and About
- EsterCobe52 Week 15 // Composition
- EsterCobe52 Week 14 // Home :: Capturing Life
- EsterCobe52 Week 13 // Macro Photography
- EsterCobe52 Week 12 // Back to School
- EsterCobe52 Week 11 // Connection
- EsterCobe52 Week 10 // Portraits
- EsterCobe52 Week 9 // Exposure Triangle
- EsterCobe52 Week 8 // Documenting Love
- EsterCobe52 Week 7 // Framing
- EsterCobe52 Week 6 // Document your days
- EsterCobe52 Week 5 // Fourth of July!
- EsterCobe52 Week 4 // Negative Space in Photography Tips and tricks
- EsterCobe52 Week 3 // Ideas, Tips and Tricks on Documenting Water
- EsterCobe52 Week 2 // Documenting Dad :: Tips and Tricks on how to capture dad with the kids by Molly B of Ester Cobe Photography
- EsterCobe 52 Week 1 :: Phoneography Tips & Tricks with Molly B of Ester Cobe Photography // The Photojournalistic Black + White Photograph